Frequently Asked Questions 

Please read through the following frequently Asked Questions before contacting.

Watch for AGM notice in fall of 2023!

Can I opt out of the Uplands HOA?

No, HOA fees are mandatory and are due as per the encumbrance registered on the title of ALL properties in the Uplands. These dues help with the preservation and enhancements of our neighbourhood.

What happens if a payment is missed or late?

Homeowners who do not pay dues by the due date specified in the notice letter will begin to incur a compounding interest charge of prime plus 6% annually as per Bylaw Article 7(b).  Registered homeowners, not renters, are responsible for ensuring remittance.

I didn’t receive an invoice in the mail.

Please keep your mailing address current by emailing:

What are the paint colours for Fences in the Uplands and where can it be purchased?

The paint colours are Monterey Grey which can be purchased at Cloverdale Paints.

What do I do if people are not picking up after their dogs?

The parks within the parkland area are public property and bylaws infractions are dealt with through the city. Please contact the City of Edmonton by calling 311.

Who is responsible for clearing and maintaining the path along the utility corridor and behind the homes on the Whitemud Creek ravine?

The City is responsible for this area, please call 311 if there is an issue to report. 

If your question was not addressed please contact us.